These are regular expressions that when matched notifies AMP about in-application events such as a successful startup, or users connecting/disconnecting. AMP will match these based on output from either the servers standard output (if enabled) or whichever RCON/remote access protocol is in use.
All expressions must match the entire subject string - so they must always start with a ^ and end with a $. AMP uses named capture groups to pick out different components of an expression.
Regex101 is an excellent resource to help you put together and validate expressions. AMP uses the 'Javascript' regex flavour.
Validate Configuration
You have not yet validated your configuration. You will not be able to download your configuration until you have done this.
Validation Failed - You must address the following failures before you may continue.
Validation Passed with Warnings - You should consider addressing the following warnings.
Validation Passed - Great stuff! You may now download the completed configuration below.
Make sure to keep a backup of your configuration by using the 'Export' option at the top of the page! You will need this to make further changes even after downloading the configuration and manifest.
Place the .kvp and .json files in your ADS instance under the /Plugins/ADSModule/GenericTemplates directory along side the other .kvp and .json files.
Then restart ADS, and your new configuration will appear as an option when you select 'Create Instance'.
Modal body text goes here.